
Monthly Archive March 2024

ByMichaela Weinhauser


Prof. John Neumeier, Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer of the Hamburg Ballet, has continually focused on the preservation of ballet tradition, while giving his works a modern dramatic framework. In 1978, he founded the School of the Hamburg Ballet. In 1989 the school, together with the company, moved into its own “Ballettzentrum” (ballet center). Today more than 80% of the company’s dancers are graduates from the school.

The School of the Hamburg Ballet trains young people from all over the world for a professional dance career. The syllabus gives priority to all aspects of classical-academic dance such as pas de deux, pointe work, classical and contemporary variations, and Neumeier-repertoire. The syllabus also includes courses dedicated to the techniques of modern and character dance and is complemented by Pilates and strengthening classes. A strong emphasis is put on classes in choreographic composition. 

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