
Category Archive Participants

ByMichaela Weinhauser

Jan Broeckx

Jan Broeckx studied at the Stedelijk Instituut voor Ballet in Antwerp, Belgium. He won the Prix de Lausanne in 1979. He was a soloist at the Royal Ballett van Vlaanderen, first soloist at the Deutsche Oper Berlin and the Bayerisches Staatsballett, Danseur Etoile at the Ballet National de Marseille Roland Petit and guest performer at many galas and in numerous companies. He later became Roland Petit’s choreographic assistant. 

Since June 2010, he has been director of the Ballet Academy at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich.

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ByMichaela Weinhauser

Nik Haffner

Nik Haffner (Prof.) is dancer and artistic director of HZT Berlin – Inter-University Centre for Dance that is supported by the UdK Berlin and the HfS Ernst Busch, in cooperation with TanzRaumBerlin, a network of the professional Berlin dance scene. Besides a BA and two MA study programmes the Einstein Strategic Professorship in »Choreography, Dance and Disability Arts«, held by Claire Cunningham, has been established since 2023 at HZT. 

Nik Haffner danced in William Forsythe’ company 1994 until 2000, he co-developed the media-publication Improvisation Technologies and has collaborated as freelance dance-artist with a.o. Jonathan Burrows and Christina Ciupke. As a guest he has taught a.o. for P.A.R.T.S. Brussels, TEAK Helsinki and Trinity Laban London. 

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ByDino Spiri

Britta Wirthmüller

Britta Wirthmüller is achoreographer and dancer. In her work she attends to that which usually remains invisible, e.g. bodies lacking social visibility, the forgotten dances of Jean Weidt (“Physical Encounters”) or the hidden layers of a city’s history in “The Silent Walk“. She holds a position for artistic research and teaching at the HZT Berlin.

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Foto: Andreas Tobias
ByPeter Boragno

Peter Boragno

Peter Boragno is a graduate in business administration and has worked in cultural management since 1995. His clients include the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, the Federal Cultural Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Goehte Institute. From 2010 onwards he accompanied the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz and headed the office for the Biennale Tanzausbildng. Since January 2020, he has taken over the management of the Europäische Theaterakademie GmbH “Konrad Ekhof” Hamburg and is in charge of the Bundeswettbewerb deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierender and the Bundeswettbewerb Biennale Tanzausbildung.

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