
Jan Faszbender

ByMichaela Weinhauser

Jan Faszbender

Jan Faszbender began piano lessons in 1980 and created his first compositions at the age of 10. Since 1990 he has been working with electronic sound generators. 

He studied piano and composition at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich from 1996 to 2001. The subject of his diploma thesis was “The Theremin in the History of Music”. 

Since 1992, Jan Faszbender has realised countless live projects in a wide variety of styles, including at the Residenztheater Munich, the Kammerspiele Munich, Kampnagel and the city theatres of Augsburg and Constance. He has been a residency pianist with the Dreigroschenensemble Munich for 10 years. This practical experience has enabled him to develop a wide variety of musical styles for applied music and gain extensive experience with stage situations and studio recordings.

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About the author

Michaela Weinhauser editor