
Panel Discussion I

Friday, 02-23 14:00

Panel Discussion I

The Other in Dance. Beyond Norms and Embracing Diversity as Enrichment in Dance.

Moderation: David Russo (Ballet Academy, HMTM) and Bettina Wagner-Bergelt (Freelance Curator)
Panel guests: Germaine Acogny (École des Sables), Prof. Nik Haffner (HZT Berlin), Eisa Jocson (Lecturer), Julian MacKay (Bayerisches Staatsballett), Prof. Dr. Katja Schneider (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main), Osiel Gouneo (Bayerisches Staatsballett) and Bianca Vilahriño Teixeira (Bayerisches Staatsballett)

Building on Luca Giacomo Schultes’ and Katja Schneiders’ opening contribution, the first panel of the day focuses on ‚the Other‘ in dance, addressing traditional gender roles. The central question explores the acceptance of body images deviating from aesthetic norms, emphasizing artistic diversity as inspiration. The discussion delves into personal experiences and reflections, addressing the crucial issue of inclusion and the emergence of new diverse body images. The core theme is: Could artistic authenticity be the new ideal? Encountering the Other is challenging. It challenges our ways, demands our attention, and holds us responsible for our actions. Can their presence help us rethink our worldview? It’s easier to overlook differences by seeking similarities or, worse, trying to artificially create them than genuinely and simply engaging with them. 

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