
Author Archive Michaela Weinhauser

ByMichaela Weinhauser

The Ideal Meeting – Structures for Effective Communication

by Christina Barandun

Key components of successful communication as the basis for effective collaboration: In line with the theme of the Biennale, Best Practice in Dance, in this workshop we will explore how the nerve centre of communication works: the meeting. In artistic and educational activities, where various forms of meetings are ubiquitous, we will look at how to organize effective meetings. In addition to simple moderation techniques, we take a look at agendas and minutes, analyze typical group dynamics and present tools for dealing with them. We will also consider which channels are necessary to effectively pass on the information from the meeting.

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Wednesday, 02-21 14:00
ByMichaela Weinhauser


Workshop I: Eisa Jocson | CORPONOMY corporeality + economics | HMTM, S3
Workshop II: Julie Shanahan | Trust and share | HMTM, S5
Workshop III: Germaine Acogny | The freedom of the body | HMTM, S1
Workshop IV: Dustin Klein | Wildfire | Konstanze-Vernon-Saal
Workshop V: Craig Davidson | Evolve |  HMTM, S2
Workshop VI: Simone Sandroni | Suddenly the body, to space and back | Muffathalle, Studio 1

for students
in English

Teacher Workshop: Christina Barandun | The Ideal Meeting | HMTM S6 Giesing

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Wednesday, 02-21 13:00
Tuesday, 02-20 17:30
Tuesday, 02-20 14:00
Tuesday, 02-20 13:00